The DISTCARTESIAN field specifier allows you to find documents that define a location that is within a specified distance from a specified point.

You can specify the document location using either a pair of fields (corresponding to X and Y coordinates), or a unified GeospatialType field that contains a supported geometric shape in Well-Known Text format.

TIP: If your document location field contains any shape other than a point, IDOL calculates distances from the geometric center of the shape.


coordX The specified x coordinate.
coordY The specified y coordinate.
dist The distance in units from the specified x/y coordinates.

The document field or fields that contain the position value. You can use one of the following options to specify location fields:

  • a single field. This field must contain a supported well-known text geometric object. See Supported Well-Known Text Geometric Objects.
  • two fields, in the format X:Y, where X is the field that contains the x coordinate, and Y is the field that contains the y coordinate. You must specify the fields in the order x:y.

You can specify multiple options for the location fields, in the form POSITION1:POSITION2:POSITION3, and so on. This form can include a mix of types (unified location fields and split X and Y coordinate fields).

NOTE: If you use multiple position fields or field pairs, IDOL Content Component cannot match documents where a pair of split geospatial fields occurs interleaved with other geospatial fields. For example, if you use X1:Y1:POSITION in your query, and these fields occur in a document in the order X1, POSITION, Y1, IDOL Content Component does not match that document.

In such cases, you can rewrite the query, in the form DISTCARTESIAN{...}:X1:Y1 OR DISTCARTESIAN{...}:POSITION

NOTE: You can optimize this field specifier by configuring your coordinate fields with the GeospatialType or NumericType property types. If you want to use a single field with well-known text definitions, you can optimize the field specifier only by using the unified GeospatialType property.



This example matches all documents whose (X,Y) position is within a distance of 5 units of the point (10,11). The position of a document in this example is contained in the fields X and Y.


This example matches all documents whose (X,Y) position is within a distance of 5 units of the point (10,11). The position of a document in this example is contained in either the (unified) POSITION field, or the separate X and Y fields.